Does Ted Lasso get back with his wife Michelle?


The Ted Lasso finale is here, and some fans may be wondering: does Ted get back together with his wife Michelle? Here’s what we know.

Jason Sudeikis’ dumbfounded football trainer ended up in the UK for two reasons: he was recruited by Rebecca in a demonstration of self destructive behavior and retribution on her ex, and Ted wanted to give his Michelle some “space”, as they were having issues in their relationship.

They’d attempted couples therapy, and Ted trusted the distance would cause their hearts to become fonder – however his adoration was a one-way road, and they eventually got a separation. Nonetheless, Season 3 planted various seeds that hinted at them reviving their sentiment, especially after the appearance of Dr. Jacob.

Anyway, with the finale currently gushing on Apple TV+, it’s one of the questions fans need to be aware: do Ted and Michelle get back together toward the end of Ted Lasso?

Does Ted Lasso get back together with Michelle?

While not explicitly confirmed, it’s implied that Ted and Michelle get back together in the finale.

For the Ted/Rebecca endgame people, we can only apologize. They share an emotional goodbye, and the start of the episode even prods that they might have rested together only nix that notion soon later, however they don’t get together.

As Richmond go head to head against Manchester City in the last round of the season, Michelle and their son Henry watch the match in the US. They’re amazingly excited, yet Dr. Jacob can’t muster the energy to care. “Who’s prepared to spend the following two hours of their lives watching this game until it eventually ends up in a thrilling 0-0 tie?” he says, giggling, however it obviously bothers Michelle and Henry.

Throughout the highs and lows of the game, the episode cuts to Michelle and Henry cheering and shouting along with the fans while Dr. Jacob sits on his phone, completely uninterested. When Richmond win, he lowers his head with a smile, almost in resignation.

The episode ends with Ted returning home… and Dr. Jacob is nowhere to be seen. We don’t see Ted and Michelle embrace, but when Ted is coaching his son’s soccer team in the last scene, Michelle cheers him on by herself from the sidelines.

All in all, would they say they are back together? In any event, perhaps, yet we’re sure she parted ways with Dr. Jacob – and the fans concur, as much as they’re especially disturbed about it.

“I’m actually less mad about Beard & Jane ending up together – whatever, it actually makes some sense – than I am about Michelle and Ted… Ted deserves someone who really likes and gets and respects him. He deserved a better character arc than a pure circle,” one wrote.
“Did Ted end up back with Michelle? It was kind of ambiguous but it looked like it ended with Ted looking at Michelle in the stands. If so, hard pass. It also looked like things are rocky with Jacob. She didn’t appreciate this darling man, so she doesn’t deserve him,” another wrote.

However, others aren’t convinced. “Really do not think Ted and Michelle getting back together was implied. Just peaceful co-parenting! Without asshole Jacob in the picture,” one theorized. “In my head, Ted & Michelle are 100% not back together, just co-parenting like a dream,” another tweeted.


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